Movement change

The BridgeTabs are at start loaded with EVERYTHING they need to run the game from A to Z. That is to say, you can run the entire session off-line (without any connection to the PC), once the BridgeTabs have logged on. From this follows two very important things:
i. You should NOT Start the BridgeTabs until you are sure that you have selected the movement that shall be used.
ii. You should change the movement as soon as possible, if you have to change it after start (e.g. because pairs walk in late).

The second point is because you should preempt that the BridgeTabs will continue to use their internally stored movement data, that should be superseeded by the new (amended) movement.


There are no restrictions to what you can do so long as no table has started to play. The safe method is to STOP communication while changing the movement in the scoring program to avoid that some players start to log in with an incorrect pair number. To close the Bridge Scorer Control (BSC) program is an alternative safety play method.

If some players have registered their players IDs - and you have to change the movement totally - then we recommend you to start (anew) from scratch with a totally new event name. Otherwise the names will be wrong and the situation becomes very messy.


Trivial changes are handled automatically in the background by the software. All you need to do is to check that the concerned table(s) communicate with the server as they should. i.e. that they are green in the grid.


The Start with updated movement procedure implies that each and all BridgeTabs are forced to go to the START screen before they will get the new movement.

We will first explain the safe Yes alternative.

Once you click the Yes button, the (old) movement data (that shall not be used any longer) will disappear from the grid. In the example (with update from round 4) all rounds from 4 onwards will disappear.

The Start with updated movement button will appear when all BridgeTabs have come to their START position.When you click this button the new movement will populate the grid and the BridgeTabs will be permitted to START with the updated movement.

Forced Start
You can use the Forced Start option (found under SYSTEM) in emergency if the Start with updated movement button would not appear as it should. But please note that you should be alarmed if the Start with updated movement button does not appear; c.f. the Manual and what we write under the headline How to recover.

You can consider to skip the Start with updated movement procedure if:

i. the change of the movement is trivial
ii. no table has passed the point of update.

The second point implies that you should NOT click the "No" button if any table has got the Go To information for a round that is changed. All tables should have at least one board left to report in round 3 in our example with update from round 4. You are strongly advised to click "Yes" if something else happens..

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Note that there is no guarantee that the BSCīs Main interface reflects the situation at the tables. A table might have played several boards that have not yet been communicated to the BSC.

Again: To say no to the Start with updated movement procedure is not risk free; you might find yourself in a difficult situation if you opt for a shortcut. There is always a way to put things right, but you need to know what is going on if you leave the safe path. Generally speaking you should do three things when things have gone wrong:

i. Check if there are results in the BridgeTabs that you do not find in BSC. And, if so, note those on a piece of paper.
ii. Use Resend results to syncronize the BridgeTab(s) that are not in line with the BSC.
iii. Re-enter the results (according to the first point) that are lost at the Recover.

You can use
FILE/Logged results as your last resort if things go totally out of hand.

You will find some examples of the most common situations on separate pages:
Adding a pair
ii. Adding a table

Suppose that you decide to reduce the number of boards because the game is running [too] late.

The easiest way to cope with this situation is to stop the game before the movement has been completed (i.e. skip the last round). You can alternatively remove the highest board from each and all sets. This solution implies that the players have to report the non existent boards as skipped.

It is generally speaking better to select a movement for the next higher even number of pairs when you have an odd number of pairs in the room at the start. You need not change anything if a pair walks in late if you do NOT tell the scoring program that a pair is missing.

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