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Confirmation by PIN

You need to call the TD if you have forgotten your PIN. The TD can look up your PIN in the control software and he can also confirm the result on your behalf with his own PIN code.

Mistakes should be corrected as soon as you spot them and at the very latest before the end of the round.

BridgeTabs offer several convenient methods to change incorrect entries, see a separate page for details.

There is probably a range problem  if the feedback does not show up at once. This is so because each result has to be communicated to the control program, and compared with the other results on the board, before you can will see any feedback.

You can point the tablet to the WiFi transmitter, or bring it closer, if it is important for you to see the feedback, otherwise skip it.

TD note
There is no need to panick if there is no feedback!

That is to say, the problem can safely be disregarded. See a separate page if you want to fix the problem right away.

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