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Settings contains some basic settings, c.f. separate page.

The ? button leads to the Help pages or, if the button is pressed a long time, to the TD menu.

The green Start button will appear when communication to the PC has been established.

It may not be possible to start even though the start button has appeared. The TD may, for example, not have started the scoring system when he told you to start play.

There is no need to panic if you cannot log on immediately, only remember that you must log on before you leave the table!

It can happen that the Start button is replaced by Resume, see a separate page.


The TD menu contains options that are useful to set before start. The TD menu is described on a separate page.

The BridgeTabs MUST have connection with the (PC’s) control program at the start (the tables can run off-line as soon as they have been logged on).

The network icon in the header gives you information about the WiFi status at a glance. See a special page for details. Sometimes (depending on the tablet and router hardware) it takes a while for the tablet to establish contact after sleep. Therefore it can take a moment before the Start button appears.

BT app (only)

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BT Admin (only)

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BOS only

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