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No log file

The error message shown to the right appears when DupSoft cannot access the log file. The message has nothing to do with the machine but is completely computer related.

 We distinguish between the two cases:
- first start
- subsequent start

Check that the path to BOS is
C:\BOS\ (It does not work to have BOS in a Program folder.)

Suggested remedies
1. Check that you have the rights to run the program. Or start the program as Administrator. i.e. Right-click the BOS icon and select "Run as administrator".

2. Check that you do not have any third party antivirus program (e.g. McAfee, Norton) that prevents access to the file. You can check the security log of the antivirus program if you have installed such a program.

3. Avoid special characters, c.f. below.

1. It can be that you have used
unexpected characters in the file name if the message is displayed when you have created a new event.. Remedy: Create a new BOS event with basic Latin characters.

2. The message is displayed if you have a program running in the background that uses the logfile, Remedy: Restart PC

You can remove (delete) the logfile.txt file that you find in C:\BOS\DupSoft. if nothing else helps.

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