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The choices:
Hand dealing
Restricted dealing
in BOS are only enabled so long as there are no deals. You can, however, overwrite/amend existing deals via the Edit mode in which you can select the desired action in the
Settings dialog. You will be alerted when you are about to overwrite existing deals because you should, if at all possible, create a new, empty BOS event in this situation.

You can modify the deals via the commands shown in the Edit Menu.

Replace deal (ctrl+R) replaces the current deal with a new according to the Settings (default is a new, random deal generated by the PC).

Rotate Hands (alt+R) rotates all hands 90 degrees clock wise.

Move deal (ctrl+M) changes the sequence of the deals. Note that if you move deal no. 10 to "Before deal 1", then the deal numbers 1-9 will be incremented one step. cf. explanation of msg box.

Type deal (ctrl+T) can be used to type deals from e.g. a textbook. Note that Enter, arrow right and arrow down moves the cursor to the next suit. Double click highlights the suit, triple click highlights the entire hand. You can also highlight as many cards as you like by shift-clicking on them. Or you can drag a box around the desired cards.

Copy (ctrl+C) copies the highlighted cards.

Cut (Ctrl+X) is useful when you want to move e.g. South's hand to East's position.

You can highlight East's cards by triple click (or drag a box around them), and East's cards will be put on hold by Ctrl+X.

Then Highlight South's cards and send them (type "E") to East's position.

Finally, highlight the cards that you did put on hold (formerly East's cards) and send them to South by typing "S".

You can, alternatively, use the cut and paste functions to move the cards.

Paste (ctrl+V) inserts cards that you have copied (or cut) to the position where you have the cursor. You can also insert highlighted card(s) in North's, East's, South's or West's hand respectively by typing N, E, S or W.

Undo (ctrl+Z) is a useful command (not only in this context) when you regret an action.

Mark All (ctrl+A) highlights all cards.

Send cards (ctrl+N/S/E/W) sends the highlighted card(s) to the indicated direction.

Warning You will be alerted when you try to leave a hand that does not contain 13 cards. You can disregard this message if you so wish as you will be alerted if you try to duplicate a fouled board, c.f. the Cannot duplicate page.

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