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Player ID

The entered member ID (MID) will be changed to name, provided that the MID exists in the names file that has been imported to the control software.

 An incorrect entry should be changed immediately by pressing the incorrect name (number). Incorrect entries can also be changed later on by the TD in the control program.

 See further the memo on names and/or use the search function for detailed advice on how names are handled in the system.

Use the “—” (dash) button if you play as a guest without MID.

ACBL MIDs can be entered either as numbers or as letter plus number. Click on the “Abc” button to enter a letter.

Forgotten MID
The recommendation is that you ask the TD to look up your MID in the control software right away. The TD will otherwise have to do this later on [if you click the “—“ button].

Your MIDs must be transferred to the PC. Please do the following if you get a warning telling that there is a problem.

i. Bring the BridgeTab closer to the WiFi transmitter and retry.

ii. Call the TD if problem persists after retries.

TD note
Please see instructions on a separate page.

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