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The scoring button in the main interface will:

i. Open the scoring program that was used at the previous start of the selected event.

ii. Open your prefered scóring program if "Remember this choice" has been ticked; or (if there is no prefered scoring program):

iii. Present a list of options, c.f. illustration to the right below.

You can force BOS to display the list by shift-clicking the Scoring button in BOS main interface.

The PairsScorer Suite is a series of programs that are automatically installed by the BOS setup. .

 ASE-Bridge is installed in demo mode.

You have to install the software marked with asterisk BEFORE you can run them from BOS. They can be opened automatically (as the other alternatives) once installed.

EBUscore is a special version of Pairsscorer that EBU affiliated clubs can download for free at the EBU web site. The message to the right will appear if you click a EBU version that is either not installed or installed to another place than the default position. In the latter case you need to browse and select the installed version.

ACBLscore is free to download and there is a brief description on how to run it in the BridgeTab manual. Note that ACBLscore must be installed BEFORE you run the BOS setup. That is to say, it might be necessary for you to reinstall BOS if you did not install ACBLscore before BOS.

Magic Contest (Ruter) is a special case that is explained on a separate page.

Other scoring programs
You can use every scoring software that can read/write the required database format. The details are explained on a separate page.

You should tick the box "Remember this choice" if you want to always use the selected program.

Networking is explained on a
separate page.

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