HANDYDUP® A HandyDup (see picture to the right) is a Duplimate without motor. That is to say, you have to move the cards by hand.
The HandyDup comes with a comprehensive software package for dealing, analysing, printing, etc. You can watch the HandyDup in action, and download the software here.
HandyDup is a good choice for: - Clubs/teachers not finding a Duplimate worthwhile. - Teams (shuffling and dealing at the table) wanting to have handrecords and the possibility to bring up interesting deals in the PC for post mortem analysis. - Playing/replaying tournament deals at home.
BRIDGETABS® BridgeTabs is a scoring system using tablets by which the tables communicate the results to the director's PC. This gives extraordinary good value for money because standard hardware is used. The screen will be as big as the tablet that you to choose. But all players at the table can read the results easily also with inexpensive 7" tablets.
This scoring system works without Internet connection. You only need an internal wifi network. Watch the video (click on the illustration to the right), see www.bridgetab.com for details and try it for free.
BOARDS Boards are available in 9 colours. Our boards are easy to open. This is very important to those operating a dealing machine. The optional board number barcode on the back of boards prevents that the boards are duplicated in the wrong order.